Why Super Sports Weekend?


Every living person on this planet should find a way to take part in a Super Sports Weekend.  That may be overstating the case but only slightly.  If you enjoy live sporting events this is something you have to do.  Here are some other reasons to Super Sports Weekend.

  • You have been on guys trips or bachelor parties to Las Vegas, New Orleans, or Miami lots of times in your life and can’t go to “clubs” anymore.

  • ·You want a cultural experience.  Don’t laugh.  If you’re from the Northeast and spend three days in Louisiana going to an LSU game, Pelicans game and a Saints game, you’re going to meet a lot of great people, eat a lot of great food and you’re going to learn a hell of a lot about what makes this country great and about life in general (again, possibly a slight overstatement). 

  • ·You want to take your wife or girlfriend to three sporting events in three days.  Sure she has never shown that much of an interest in sports but this kind of re-education should do the trick.  Actually that’s a terrible idea.  Don’t do that under any circumstances.  On the other hand…

  • ·You’re the wife/girlfriend and want to treat your husband/boyfriend to an amazing experience.  If you like sports you go with, if you don’t you suggest or sign off on this type of trip with friends – either way you have elevated yourself in the eyes of the dude in your life and in the eyes of all of said dude’s friends.  This is what we call a win-win, win win win.

  • Let’s stay with this theme for a moment.  You’re the ex-something (wife, girlfriend) of a sports fanatic and a trip like this would make the ex incredibly jealous.  Even better, invite the ex’s friends along.

  • Why does there have to be a man involved in any of this, period? You’re a woman. You love sports. You love traveling to great cities, eating delicious food and partying with your friends.

  • ·You’re a parent and this is an opportunity to share a truly unique experience with your kids and to bond through sports, travel and culture.

  • Or…you’re a parent that simply wants to buy the affection of your kids by sharing a truly unique experience.  Remember, millennials recoil at the notion of material gifts.  Experiences are where it’s at for their generation.  Do a trip like this and there’s a chance they won’t put you in a home when you’re older (or whatever they will do to us in the future – perhaps shoot us into space in pods or whatever).

I can keep going but you get the picture.  A Super Sports Weekend works for any situation as long as you like sports, travel, fun and have people you like to hang out with.